
sobre la compañía


1 junio 2010

MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Released

MetaTrader 5 trading platform was released in 2010. Unlike MetaTrader 4, it allows trading both on Forex and the world stock exchanges.

MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform

At the moment, MetaTrader 5 is a powerful working tool providing plenty of opportunities: stock and Forex trading, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, programming trading robots, MQL5 development environment, multicurrency strategy tester, MetaTrader Market of trading applications, social trading, and Freelance service for ordering custom trading robots.

3 marzo 2010 Website Launched website for MQL5 application developers appeared in 2010. 

The new website for developers of MQL5 Expert Advisors appears —

Currently, this is the most powerful community of trading robot developers in the world providing a plethora of various services — social trading, market of trading applications, library of free MQL programs, Freelance service, blogs, articles and all necessary documentation.


5 mayo 2009

New Office Opened in Australia

In May 2009, we opened a new office in Sydney (Australia). The new office sells and supports all MetaQuotes products providing a complete service to customers from Asia-Pacific region.

1 febrero 2009

TeamWox Corporate Management System Released

In 2006, we have developed our first corporate management system (Groupware) for the needs of the company. Initially, the application was not for sale. It enabled us to establish effective interaction within the company and solve the issues caused by its rapid growth. Over time, we decided that such issues are typical of all companies, and groupware systems can be useful to them. Thus, the development of TeamWox commercial system started. Currently, it incorporates all our achievements and experience in the development and use of groupware systems. TeamWox is a simple, convenient and functional tool for managing a modern company.

TeamWox Corporate Management System

In early 2009, TeamWox system made its debut on the market becoming available for sale. TeamWox basic version contains a free VOIP telephony, an electronic document flow, automated reports, a unified client base with sales funnel, the integration with company websites and a technical support module.


27 diciembre 2008

Automated Trading Championship 2008

Over a period of 13 weeks (from October 1 to December 26, 2008), trading robots of the Championship participants competed for the grand prize - the title of the Best Expert Advisor of the Year and the prize fund of $80 000. The Championship gathered Expert Advisors with different trading strategies, algorithms and trading symbol sets. 

Automated Trading Championship 2008

Thanks to the participants, we were able to enhance our understanding of the automated trading. For many participants, the competition was a good opportunity to test and evaluate their trading robots without interfering with their work.

Kiril Kartunov won the award for "The first place in the Automated Trading Championship 2008" and $40 000, while his trading robot was entitled the Best Expert Advisor of the Year.

1 febrero 2008

MQL4 Textbook Published

In February 2008, a free manual on MQL4 programming was published with the support of MetaQuotes Software Corp. The book can be found on our website at

The publication is designed for a wide range of readers who want to develop their own automated trading programs for MetaTrader 4 platform. The book features new terms and can be of interest to experienced automated strategy developers as well.


15 noviembre 2007

Userguide for MetaTrader 4 Mobile for Smartphones

Userguide for MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE for Smartphones is released.

The new Userguide contains the full description of the features and functions of the mobile terminal for smartphones and consists of the following sections:
1. Getting Started: the terminal installation, account opening, authorization system, LiveUpdate system.
2. Terminal Settings: connection to the server and Data Center, notification of system events.
3. User Interface: menus and tabs of the program.
4. Analytics: description of built-in technical indicators.
5. Trading: order types, execution modes and trade positions.

1 junio 2007

The Official Release of MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE

The development of the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE has been completed. Using it, you can get access to financial markets and make trades worldwide. The embedded symbol charts and technical indicators, as well as financial news, will help to make a decision about whether to open or close a position. Trading via this terminal is fully confidential and absolutely safe. If it is necessary, you can find trading history in your MetaTrader 4 Mobile any time.

MetaTrader 4 Mobile Smartphone Edition:

  • charts — a modern terminal cannot operate without graphical displaying of price movements;

  • support of technical indicators that helps to analyze price movements on symbols;

  • the full set of trade orders that allows flexible management of one’s trading activities;

  • sounds alerting about changes in the market — there is no need anymore to observe charts constantly;

  • access to news allows making well-reasoned decisions regarding the most recent developments on financial markets.

23 abril 2007

Beta Release of the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE

The development of the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE has almost been completed. At the moment, we can offer everybody a beta version of the new mobile terminal for smartphones. Download the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE and take part in the development of the new terminal. Your opinions and comments are very important to us.

Having downloaded the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE, you get:
- the full set of trade orders;
- symbol charts;
- Market Watch;
- history of trades;
- news in the real-time mode;
- alerts;
- mailing system.

Official release of the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE is planned for the 1st of June 2007. In addition to the functions already embedded in the terminal, the full version will also have technical indicators.

Technical requirements needed to use the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE:
- a smartphone operated by the MS Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition for smartphones or a later version;
- screen size 176С…220 pixels or larger;
- 5 MB free memory.

Registration Keys
Registration keys for MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE can be purchased right now. Like MetaTrader 4 Mobile, the new terminal is distributed under Try&Buy conditions. The MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE can be used within one week without any limitations. For further use, it will be necessary to purchase a registration key ($45). If you have already purchased such a key for any other mobile trading terminal produced by our company, you can use it to work with the MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE, as well.

20 marzo 2007

The Development of MetaTrader 4 Mobile Smartphone Edition (SE) Has Been Resumed

We resume the development of MetaTrader 4 Mobile Smartphone Edition (SE).

Let us remind you that MetaTrader 4 Mobile — a mobile terminal for PDA Pocket PC — is being used at the moment in MetaTrader 4 Platform. For it to operate, a PDA+mobile phone with GPRS or a communicator are usually utilized. As distinct from this one, the new product will not require a PDA or a communicator working directly from a mobile phone with MS Windows Mobile for Smartphones OS.

The release of the new terminal beta version is planned for the 1st of May, official release — for the 1st of June 2007.


23 diciembre 2006

Automated Trading Championship 2006

In 2006, rich functionality of MQL4 environment enabled the company to arrange the first annual Automated Trading Championship. Never before had the world seen a competition of Expert Advisors of such a scale. Trading robots of 258 developers competed for a prize fund of $80 000 in this 12-week contest. The winner Roman Zamozhnyy increased his deposit by 250% and received $40 000.

Automated Trading Championship 2006

The Championship sparked interest among traders and brokers encouraging further development of the automated trading around the world.

5 diciembre 2006

MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal Official Release

MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal is a new component of MetaTrader 4 Online Trading Platform. The MultiTerminal is intended for simultaneous management of multiple accounts, for which is mostly helpful for those whom manage investors' accounts and for traders working with many accounts simultaneously.

The new terminal successfully combines great functionalities that allow effective trading with many accounts and with exceptional usability. The program interface is similar to that of the MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal. It is very simple, any trader using the MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal can easily get acquainted to this new program within a few minutes.

Download MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal (1.1 Mb)

23 noviembre 2006

Released MetaTrader 4 Mobile Userguide

MetaTrader 4 Mobile Userguide has been released.

The Userguide contains full description of mobile terminal features and functions and includes the following sections:
1. Getting Started: terminal installation and startup, opening of accounts, authorization system, LiveUpdate system;
2. Terminal Settings: connection to the server, sound notifications;
3. User Interface: main menu В«ToolsВ», toolbar, tabs and windows of the mobile terminal;
4. Analytics: line studies, indicators;
5. Trading: order types, execution modes, orders management.


1 julio 2005

MetaTrader 4 Trading Platform Released

After two years of development, the most popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform was released becoming the de facto standard in Forex trading and providing millions of traders with a reliable working tool. Traditionally, the product was developed from scratch and featured a number of fundamental differences. 

MetaTrader 4 trading platform

Innovations were implemented practically everywhere - from the new mobile terminals up to the fundamentally new distributed architecture of the entire platform. The client terminal once again became the most functional and popular on the market. The new platform also featured MQL4 IDE - a trading strategy development environment which revolutionized the development of the automated trading applications.

The version for mobile devices MetaTrader 4 Mobile was released in October 2005.

1 julio 2005

MetaTrader 4 Official Release

We are glad to inform that our latest development, online trading platform MetaTrader 4, has been released on July, 1. MetaTrader 4 is one of the best platforms in the world designed for organizing brokerage service on Forex and Futures.

This new system has been developed for almost one and a half of a year. Our complex has been largely changed during this time period following the dynamic environment of financial markets. Something had to be rejected, other new things were realized. In any case, these changes were imposed by the striving for making MetaTrader 4 even more perfect and convenient tool for financial markets.

Our clients — both brokers and traders — rendered invaluable assistance in the whole course of the developing period. We are happy to express our thanks to all those who supported us, made suggestions and generated ideas for improving of the new system. With your help, we managed to make MetaTrader 4 even better. Thank you very much!

15 junio 2005

On the 1st of July, MetaTrader 4 will be released

On the 1st of July, 2005, our new Forex trading system MetaTrader 4 will be released officially. The software complex will go on sale and a free new version of the client terminal (part of the complex) will appear on our website on the first day of the month.

MetaTrader 4 is a complete solution designed to provide brokerage services at Forex and Futures markets. It includes both client terminal to be installed on the trader's computer and back office components to process trading operations on the broker's side.

MetaTrader 4 is the fourth version of Forex trading platform developed by our company. The new system is 3 to 5 times more productive than its predecessor. Reliability, security, ability to efficiently resist net attacks are absolute advantages of the new system.

More than one and a half year was taken by the developing on this new system. In this process, the developers cooperated closely with many brokerage companies and banks from all over the world. The most of them, considering the new system for more suitable, declared their upgrading for MetaTrader 4 even before it had been completed.

«Almost a year has passed since the first mention of the new system up to the beta-version release», said CEO of MetaQuotes Software, Renat Fatkhullin. «Now, after seven more months of testing, we can finally say: We did it!»


22 diciembre 2004

New Office Opened in Singapore

On December 22, 2004, MetaQuotes Software Corp. opened its new office in Singapore. Qualified staff members fluent in English, Japanese and Chinese provide all necessary assistance to clients.

15 diciembre 2004 Website Launch

On December 15, we launched the website — a community for the users of the new MetaTrader 4 platform, which is scheduled to be released in summer 2005. Website Launch

In addition to a forum, the site will feature educational materials related to trading and programming in the MQL4 language, as well as various services to enhance the functionality of the new trading platform. Read articles, discuss the functions of MetaTrader 4, and share your experience with fellow traders — welcome to the new community website!


20 octubre 2003

Release of the First Mobile Terminals

The first mobile terminals for Forex trading (MetaTrader 3 CE and MetaTrader for Palm) were released in 2003. 

The most popular trading platforms in the world

The terminals were quickly appreciated by users expanding the company's customer base and boosting MetaTrader's popularity in the world.

17 julio 2003

Release of the MetaTrader Trading Platform

MetaTrader Trading Platform product was also developed from scratch and featured improved efficiency and functionality once again making it more efficient than its predecessor. The list of supported markets was expanded by the Futures, while the client terminal received the new language of trading strategies - MQL II.

MetaTrader Trading Platform

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