MetaQuotes Software Corp. is 15!


27 11月 2015

Today, MetaQuotes Software Corp. turns fifteen — fifteen years of evolution, leadership and technological innovation.

The MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms developed by the company have become the industry standard, and popular among millions of traders around the world. In fifteen years there were thousands of released builds, millions of lines of code, and continuous improvement of services and products. The MetaTrader platforms have come a long way, evolving from a tool for trading into an entire ecosystem offering a variety of services, such as the market of trading applications, social trading, built-in virtual hosting, freelance and much more.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. is 15!

The company is growing further, strengthening its presence on the world map. In 2015, MetaQuotes Software has opened its new representative offices in Japan, Thailand, and Pakistan, thus increasing the total number of offices to twelve! This year, MetaTrader 5 has been launched at Borsa Istanbul (BIST), Brazilian Securities, Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F Bovespa), Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX), Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET), South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX), and Pakistan Mercantile Exchange (PMEX).

This year has also seen a breakthrough in web trading. The company released the MetaTrader 4 web platform allowing everyone to trade via their browsers. This event sparked great interest among brokers — more than 100 companies ordered the web platform and started offering it to their traders within the first month after the release.

The range of trading robots and technical indicators available in the Market has been considerably expanded — more than 6 800 various applications are available for download. Now, it is possible not only to buy but also to rent trading robots. The MetaTrader platforms for iOS and Android are developing actively as well. Lastly, the Japanese version of the website has been launched and over 30 video tutorials for traders have been released.

We will continue to improve our products and want to thank you once again for your choice and support over the years. Fifteen years is not a particularly long period for a potent company, which means that the most exciting things are yet to come!

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