10 reasons to set up a professional economic calendar
We have expanded the economic calendar geographically by adding the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Switzerland on top of the United States, Japan and the European Union. China, Sweden, New Zealand, Mexico and Singapore will be available soon.
When a country is added, all economic indices that have a significant impact on the national currency in the calendar are included.
Descriptions are professionally translated into 7 languages. This makes our solution different from many others which lack updating since their
initial development.
Constant calendar improvements and development updates along with the addition of extra countries, are by no means the sole advantages of our
service. You have 9 more reasons to add the calendar in your website:
2. Full description of events with forecasts and archived data
One of the key distinguishing features of the MetaQuotes calendar is data completeness. Each indicator has a separate page with a detailed
description along with complete data on the event, including its influence on a particular currency. The description also includes a
reference to the source, dates of the previous/next releases of the event, as well as its archived values: actual and forecast. For analysis
clarity, the entire dynamics distribution is presented in the chart.

3. It is free
The development of a professional economic calendar is a complex task
which requires considerable time and human resources. Due to the
intensive development resources, some companies distribute such products
on a commercial basis. Fortunately, this is not the case with our
solution — we allow our customers to set it up for free.
4. No ads
Some financial resources offer their calendars for free, but with
built-in advertising. The professional calendar from MetaQuotes offers
no ads and has no plans to introduce them in the future.
5. Full translation into 7 languages
All data in our calendar, including event descriptions, are fully
translated into English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese
and German. This allows traders from different countries to use the
economic calendar in their native language. The complete translation
favorably distinguishes our calendar from many other similar solutions
which declare support for 10-15 languages. In reality, only interface
elements are translated, while event names and descriptions remain in

On top of the above, our solution accommodates a nice bonus. The widget adjusts to the browser's language and shows your website visitors
the calendar in their native language. All this happens automatically without the need for any additional settings.
6. Traders remain in your website
Leading financial data providers feature their own economic calendars which can only be used in their own websites. Our calendar incorporates
a convenient widget that can be easily embedded to your website. Traders will no longer have to browse through third-party websites searching for relevant information. Also, the service allows you to attract new website visitors.
7. Events from primary sources
Our calendar receives news first-hand with no delays. No intermediary
websites are used. Each event description has a link to the source.
This operation mode is difficult to be implemented, but it guarantees
complete reliability and accuracy of the collected data.

8. Time zone selection
The MetaQuotes calendar publishes events for countries located in
different time zones: United States, United Kingdom, Japan and Australia
among others. Important events tracking is maintained via local time
adaptation. Manual adaptation of time zones is also possible. This
feature provides your visitors with protection against missing news

9. Calendar auto update
Our calendar is updated automatically immediately after a new event
appears in the source. This is different from free versions of some
other calendars which need to be updated manually. Our service relieves
traders from the necessity of constantly re-loading the page, while it
avoids the related negative feedback and an excessive load in the
10. Easy installation
The calendar can be set up in just a few clicks. Specify the desired
calendar width/height and the default period (the current day or week) here, and you are ready to go. The remaining parameters are adjusted
automatically. Simply copy the generated code and paste it in your web page.
Provide your website visitors with a ready-to-use tool for monitoring
important macroeconomic events. It is free, it has no ads and it is
translated into 7 languages!
Receive the calendar embed code