Release Notes: MetaTrader 4

MetaTrader 4 Forex Trading Platform

2 March 2009
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Build 222

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 222 have been released.
Fixed CAB file for installation of terminal from PDA with Windows Mobile 2003 or lower systems.

6 February 2009
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Build 221

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 221 have been released.

Fixed an error in the LiveUpdate system leading to the hanging of some devices with Windows Mobile 6.1 platform.

If the live update cannot be downloaded through the LiveUpdate system, MetaTrader 4 Mobile should be downloaded and installed over again.

19 January 2009
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Build 220 and MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE Build 213

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 220 and MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE build 213 have been released.
Fixed the unconditional adding of all available symbols into the В«Market WatchВ» window.

7 November 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Build 220

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 220 has been released.

What's new:
1. Fixed error of event sound play.
2. Fixed a number of errors resulting in terminal failure.
3. Fixed misprint in the Italian interface.
4. Tester: Fixed activation of Take Profit levels.
5. Tester: Improved reference point modeling.
6. Tester: Added automated deletion of records from the tester cash, if more than 24 hours have passed since their last use.

7 November 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Build 219

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 219 has been released.

What's new:
1. Changed interface.
2. Amended various dialogs for more convenient operation on devices with different resolutions and screen orientation.

27 August 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Build 218

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 218 has been released.

What's new:
1. MQL4: Fixed reinitialization of Expert Advisors at change of accounts.
2. Fixed calculation of a signal line for the Relative Vigor Index indicator.
3. Added extra checks of price correctness when placing a pending order.
4. Fixed setting of proxy parameters from a command line.
5. Extended records in a terminal journal at a partial closing of a position.
6. Fixed operation in MS Windows 2008.

28 June 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Build 217

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 217 has been released.

What's new:
1. MQL4: Fixed a compiler error that caused crash in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 operating system.
2. MQL4: Fixed an error in the FileReadArray() function. When reading array lines, the number of read lines is returned now.
3. MQL4: Changed the calculation algorithm of ArrayMinimum() and ArrayMaximum() functions.
4. MQL4: Fixed an error of converting the line of «HH:MI:SS» type into a number of datetime type in the StrToTime() function.
5. MQL4: Fixed an error causing crash when a string variable is added to itself.
6. Tester: Fixed an error of Bid and Ask variables formation in custom indicators used by Expert Adisors tested.
7. Tester: Introduced additional checks of data discrepancy hen generating test sequences.
8. Tester: Fixed margin calculation after the triggering of stop levels.
9. Fixed an error of ExpertsDllConfirm parameter recognition in the initial configuration file.

21 May 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE Build 212

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE build 212 is released. In new version the terminal freezing at the attempt to register a demo account is fixed.

17 April 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Build 216

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 216 has been released.

What's new:
1. Tester: Provided correct initialization/deinitialization of libraries used by the Expert Advisor under test, at repeated passes and at optimization.
2. Tester: Fixed the triggering of Sell Limit orders when tested by open prices.
3. MQL4: Eliminated memory leaks occurring when referencing outside a string array.
4. When placing an order by Market Execution, disabled the feature of entering the values of SL and TP, the corresponding fields are blocked.
5. Fixed error of losing the data of off-line charts when attaching MQL4 scripts to such charts.

27 March 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Build 215

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 215 has been released.

What's new:
1. MQL4: Fixed error of constant string concatenation (Expert Advisors and scripts compiled in build 213 must be recompiled).
2. MQL4: Fixed error of the reinitialization of global and static variables of MQL4-libraries.
3. MQL4: Fixed memory leak when resizing of string arrays.
4. MQL4: Fixed memory leak when accessing out of range of string arrays.
5. Tester: Fixed error of generating ticks in candlesticks with volume 4–6 and with one shadow absent.

20 March 2008
New MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal Build 213

New MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal Build 213 has been released.

What's new:
1. Fixed error of volume distribution when opening positions for accounts with different deposit currencies.
2. Fixed error that caused terminal failure at a disabled Multiple Close By mode.
3. The digital signature of our company is added to all executable files.

17 March 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Build 213

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 213 has been released.

What's new:
1. Tester: At strategy optimization, fixed check of testing limit triggering, if there are no open positions.
2. Tester: Disabled check of testing limits at genetic optimization.
3. Tester: Optimized history uploading.
4. Tester: Fixed error of displaying the spread in the settings of the symbol under test.
5. Tester: Fixed triggering check for stop orders and pending orders.
6. MQL4: Fixed optimizer error. In some cases, it committed inaccuracy in dividing a number with floating point by a constant.
7. MQL4: Fixed error of the function GlobalVariablesTotal(). The function always returned 0, if there were no calls to the list of global variables.
8. MQL4: Fixed error of the function iBarShift(), in some cases of search for zero bar in monthly timeframes.
9. MQL4: Fixed error of memory overflow when calling to the function функции iStdDevOnArray().
10. MQL4: Fixed operation of the function IsConnected().
11. Fixed error of reading the parameter of naming fonts for text labels.
12. MetaEditor: Added Chinese Dictionary.
13. The digital signature of our company is added to all executable files.

7 February 2008
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Build 211 and MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE Build 211

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 211 and MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE build 211 with fixed displaying of news in the Japanese language have been released.

16 October 2007
New MetaTrader 4 Build 211 and MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal build 210

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 211 and MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal build 210 have been released.

What's new in MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 211:
1. MQL4: Fixed operation of function FileWriteString(). Now it works accurately to the documentation: В«If the string to be written is shorter than the given value, it will be extended by binary 0s up to the given length.В»
2. MQL4: Fixed error of passing string parameters into the imported functions of mql4-libraries.
3. MQL4: Fixed error of releasing histories of others' symbols or timeframes after the Expert Advisor has been unloaded. Now the terminal releases the used memory in a minute after unloading of the EA.
4. MQL4: Fixed function MarketInfo() with parameter MODE_TICKVALUE. The returned value is not normalized anymore.
5. MQL4: Fixed error of forming variable last_error when calling an existing global variable using function GlobalVariableSetOnCondition().
6. Tester: Fixed error of recalculation in optimization when using data from another trade server. Now, if another trade server is used, the data will be recalculated.
7. Tester: Fixed displaying of the optimization graph by profit factor.
8. Tester: Modified algorithm of feeding the data preceding the test start date. Now 1000 bars will be added when any historical data are requested.
9. Tester: Improved data modeling algorithm. Ticks for bars with the volume of 4–6 are modeled more precisely. Fixed error of a false tick appearance at the beginning of the generating sequence when using dates «From» and «To».

In the new MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal build 210, the error of empty symbol list at defining alerts was fixed.

8 October 2007
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE Build 210

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE build 210 has been released.

What's new:
1. Optimized arrangement and size of control elements in dialogs for smartphones with resolution 320x240.
2. Optimized menu of hardware buttons for smartphones with resolution 320x240.
3. Fixed error of focus loss at order canceling.

11 September 2007
New MetaTrader 4 Build 210

New MetaTrader 4 build 210 has been released.

What's new:
1. Fixed displaying of profits В«as Term CurrencyВ» for futures.
2. Tester: removed the checkbox В«RecalculateВ». Now the testing sequence is generated each time anew at clicking В«StartВ».
3. Tester: improved the generation algorithm in every tick modeling mode.
4. Tester: improved the change of quotes receiving speed at visual testing.
5. Tester: added counting and displaying errors of lower timeframes mismatch at testing sequences generation.
6. Tester: changed the formulations, describing modeling modes. Added into the tester report notifying messages when using modes of modeling В«control pointsВ» and В«open prices onlyВ».
7. Tester: changed the algorithm of formating the final value of an optimized parameter. Now 0 can be indicated as this value.
8. MQL4: fixed MessageBox() function operation in endless cycled scripts.
9. MQL4: fixed memory leakage at the attempt to access a non-existent custom indicator from the Expert Advisor.
10. MQL4: fixed error of transforming a constant date, falling on 1970.01.01.
11. MQL4: fixed compiler error in processing the bit operation NOT with constant expression.
12. Replaced the hot key of current profile changing. Instead of F5 now Ctrl+F5 should be used.
13. Improved the formation of a balance chart when displaying the trades history report. Now pending orders are not displayed on the chart.
14. Added the Estonian Language.

1 August 2007
New MetaTrader 4 Build 208

New MetaTrader 4 build 208 has been released.

What's new:
1. Tester: Fixed generation of one-minute data if the volume is equal to 6.
2. Tester: Now reports includes the name of trade server and the build of terminal.
3. Fixed error of saving of chart as picture.

17 July 2007
New MetaTrader 4 Build 207, MetaTrader 4 Mobile and Mobile SE build 207, MultiTerminal build 205

New MetaTrader 4 build 207 has been released.

What's new:
1. Fixed considering of leap days when setting data in inputs and in Expert Advisor’s source codes.
2. MQL4: Fixed error names in stderror.h
3. MQL4: Added optimization when working with strings.
4. MQL4: Fixed processing of literals for date D’ and color N~’ when using them in macro substitutions and in substitutions of custom indicator’s properties.
5. Fixed rectangle drawing when setting too large coordinates.
6. Improved vertical scaling of charts using the mouse.
7. In the chart context menu, price levels are set considering the symbol’s tick size.
8. Tester: At generation, introduced considering of the tick size for the symbol under test.
9. Tester: At testing, the zero bar of another symbol is always in its initial state (O=H=L=C, V=1).
10. Tester: At optimization, the identical pass results are not shown in the report.
11. Tester: Fixed generation of one-minute data at open prices if the volume is equal to 1.
12. Tester: Fixed tickwise generation of one-minute data if the volume is equal to 3.
13. MQL4: fixed error of counter initialization of Mathrand() at the start of start() function.

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile and MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE build 207: Fixed error of cancellation of order.

New MetaTrader 4 MultiTerminal build 205: Fixed error of wrong summary of accounts history.

22 May 2007
New MetaTrader 4 Build 205

New MetaTrader 4 build 205 has been released.

What's new:
1. MQL4: Fixed operation of function WindowFirstVisibleBar() if it is called from function init() of a custom indicator.
2. MQL4: Improved code optimization.
3. Tester: Improved algorithm of economical recalculation of indicators.
4. Tester: Fixed modelling of nonstandard bars (for example, a 4-hour bar starting at 23:00), in case the data of this timeframe are requested at testing on data for the same symbol, but on another timeframe.
5. Tester: Fixed tickwise generation for non standard bars (for example, 23-hour bars within 4-hour timeframe).
6. Tester: Arrows for orders now contain the order number and its magic number in their descriptions.
7. Tester: Fixed error resulted in the terminal crashes after the testing conditions have been changed.
8. Fixed displaying of the «Text» object after a time coordinate has been manually changed in the object properties table.
9. Added direct links to from the client terminal/MetaEditor «Help» menus. Added link to the online library from the «Navigator» window of the client terminal.
10. Fixed highlighting of StopLoss and TakeProfit levels of open positions if the price is specified with the accuracy to five decimal places.
11. Enhanced protection of files containing information about accounts and passwords of the client terminal, as well as those stored in the terminal internal mailing system.
12. History Center: Fixed error in loading symbols of the #MSFT kind.
13. Fixed processing of inputs for Expert Advisors, scripts and custom indicators belonging to the ’string’ type and containing the string of zero length.

28 March 2007
New MetaTrader 4 Build 203

New MetaTrader 4 build 203 has been released.

What's new:
1. Corrected drawing of object FiboFan based on closely-located anchoring points.
2. Tester: Added checking for pass counter overflow in optimizer.
3. Tester: More economical use of memory when generating a testing sequence.
4. Tester: More economical use of memory when accessing data of other symbols and/or timeframes.
5. Tester: Fixed error of repeated access to improper data, the charts of which have not been previously opened. The error resulted in considerable testing delay.
6. Tester: Fixed error of margin call calculation in function init().
7. Tester: Fixed charging of swaps at partial closing of positions using function OrderCloseBy.
8. Tester: Fixed error of spread determining in some cases of «floating» spread.
9. MQL4: Fixed error of correct definition of the end-of-file state when reading csv files.
10. MQL4: Fixed error of memory leak when comparing strings.
11. MQL4: Fixed error of processing the default parameter chart_scale in function WindowScreenShot().
12. MQL4: Fixed error of memory leak in functions having parameters of ’string’ type that are initialized by default (Expert Advisors’ recompiling is required).
13. MQL4: Fixed error of time determining by function TimeLocal for time zones without Daylight Saving Time.
14. HistoryCenter: Fixed error of deleting initial data from History Center.
15. MetaEditor: Revised Dictionary.
16. Fixed errors detected using crash logs.
17. Added Czech language.
18. Added help file of the client terminal in Chinese (Simplified).