Release Notes: MetaTrader 4

MetaTrader 4 Forex Trading Platform

1 February 2006
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Terminal build 189 has been released

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Terminal build 189 has been released.

What's new:
1. Improved autoselection of access point servers.
2. Added indication of working through data center.
3. Fixed functioning of accounts with extended authorization.
4. Fixed receiving of news through data center.

19 January 2006
New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Terminal build 188 has been released

New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Terminal build 188 has been released.

What's new:
1. Performed complete tests under Windows Mobile 5.0.
2. Added displaying of HTML emails of the Internal Mailing System.
3. Fixed errors in dialog windows operation.
4. Improved updating process of the terminal through LiveUpdate.
5. New Order Window: Added automated replacing of zero prices (0.0000) with the market ones at the fisrt modification.
6. Fixed errors in indicators named Standard Deviation and Envelopes.
7. Fixed errors in program working in Qtek 9100 (i-Mate K-Jam) communicator.
8. Improved automated selection of access points.

12 January 2006
New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 188

New MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 188 has been released.

What’s new:
1. Modify Order Window: Stop levels are defined under taking the minimal permissible levels above/below the market price into consideration.
2. New Order Window: Added displaying of price levels in tick chart + new colors.
3. New Order Window: Added automated replacing of zero prices (0.0000) with the market ones at the fisrt modification.
4. New Order Window: Added notification dialog for an early refuse to trade.

5. Experts: Added automated deletion of expert logs in 5 days.

6. Fixed updating error of the last known server time.
7. The Background property remains in objects of TextLabel and Text.
8. Added the balance chart in the «Detailed» report of trading history.
9. Fixed deletion of objects from the chart during deinitialization of scripts and experts at closing of the terminal.
10. Remade and essentially enlarged the built-in Help files in Russian for the terminal.
11. Remade the MetaEditor Dictionary in Russian.
12. Fixed saving of MagicNumber at manual confirmation of trades from experts.
13. Fixed deletion of pending orders at manual confirmation during the OrderDelete() function execution from experts.

14. Fixed the MarketInfo() function at using of MODE_MINLOT, MODE_LOTSTEP.
15. When working in the investor mode, one cannot call any trade dialog windows.
16. Fixed dialog window of file opening and saving in MetaEditor.
17. Fixed the account currency output in the tool tip appearing when the cursor is placed over the account number in the «Navigator» window.
18. MQL4: Fixed processing of ’continue’ inside of the ’switch’ operator in compiler.
19. MQL4: Removed constraints for the operational buffer capacity of 4KB for operations with strings.
20. MQL4: Introduced the new encoding of EX4 files, they are much more difficult to decode now.
21. MQL4: Added new functions named ScreenShot and SendFTP.
22. MQL4: Completely removed the SpeechText function.

23. MQL4: Removed functions named ObjectSetVisibility and ObjectGetVisibility, ObjectSet and ObjectGet with corresponding parameters to be used instead.
24. MQL4: Fixed the FirstVisibleBar function.
25. MQL4: Introduced new properties in description of indicators #property indicator_styleN, indicator_widthN, indicator_levelcolor, indicator_levelstyle, indicator_levelwidth.
26. Tester: Fixed error of placing of mistaken SL and TP in pending orders.
27. Tester: Fixed error of pending order price modification.
28. Tester: Fixed error of profits converting into the deposit currency.
29. Tester: Testing limiting dates are shown in reports.
30. Tester: Fixed error of partial position closing named CloseBy.

31. Tester: Fixed recalculation of margin requirements.

32. Tick history for Market Watch is stored separately for each server.
33. Added viewing of emails in HTML format.
34. Improved operation of DDE.
35. Fixed triggering of Trailing Stop when the TP order level has been approached.
36. Improved sorting of open positions when tested.
37. Added the «Copy All» pop-up menu string at copying of lines of optimization and testing results.
38. Improved working through Data Center.

39. Improved pumping of charts at re-connections. 40. Indicators: Fixed the shift parameter in Standard Deviation.

41. New Order: Added support for hotkeys of Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V at prices setting.
42. MetaEditor: Added integrated access to web site. It is very easy to access to any script published at now.
43. MetaEditor: Expanded and remade Functions Dictionary.
44. MetaEditor: Changed the compiler version. All MQL4 programs will be recompiled forcedly.
45. MetaEditor: All settings have been removed from the registry.

45. A variety of small modifications.

9 December 2005
Updated Version: MetaTrader Data Center build 286

Released the new MetaTrader Data Center build 286. History data synchronization request has been fixed.

MetaTrader Data Center will be automatically updated through LiveUpdate system. New build of MetaTrader Data Center can be downloaded at

18 November 2005
New version of MetaTrader Data Center build 285

Released the new version of MetaTrader Data Center build 285. Reconnection after restarting of main trading server and proxy-mode functionality had been fixed.

MetaTrader Data Center will be automatically updated through LiveUpdate system. New build of MetaTrader Data Center can be downloaded at

16 November 2005
New version of MetaTrader 4 Mobile

MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 187

What's new:
1. Fixed error in order modification dialog.
2. Added the feature allowing to set trailing stops for pedning orders.
3. Improved trailing stops operation.
4. Improved working through Data Centers.

10 November 2005
New version of MetaTrader 4 build 186

MetaTrader4. Build 186

What's new:
1. Extended the field for account password. Password maximum length is 15 characters;
2. Fixed error of setting up alerts for symbols longer than 6 characters;
3. Improved operation of the terminal through Data Center;
4. Fixed setting of hot keys for Windows 98;
5. Fixed saving of ray properties for Fibonacci Channel;
6. Fixed the LocalTime() function;
7. Fixed template loading;
8. Fixed experts initialization when switching between accounts
9. Added displaying of arrows at the chart in the tester when pending orders trigger;
10. Fixed stop-orders processing during testing;
11. Improved displaying of logs at disabled auto scroll;
12. The value of the price level of the nearest object point will appear in tooltips, not that of the current cursor position;
13. The property of «Draw object as background» is kept for triangle objects;
14. Fixed displaying of the time in the «Market Watch» window header when the account switches between servers in different time zones;
15. In of testing and optimization tabs the selected strings only are copied to the clipboard. If there are no selected strings, all strings will be copied;
16.The MarketInfo() function returns real values for all symbols, not only for futures, when using MODE_TICKVALUE или MODE_TICKSIZE;
17. Fixed control over experts launching when changing the symbol list in the «Market Watch» window;
18. Fixed calling of the Alert() function when initializing a script;
19. Introduced a new code of error 147 «Setting of expiry date prohibited by broker»;
20. Fixed pending orders modification dialogue the property of using the expiry time being prohibited;
21. Updating based on crashlogs;
22. Updated MetaEditor dictionary.

2 November 2005
New version of MetaTrader Data Center build 282

Released the new version of MetaTrader Data Center build 282 in which TCP/IP connection parameter had been optimized and receiving of maximum and minimum daily prices had been fixed.

MetaTrader Data Center will be automatically updated through LiveUpdate system.
New build of MetaTrader Data Center can be downloaded at

25 October 2005
MetaTrader 4 Mobile now with line studies features!

MetaTrader 4 Mobile. Build 186.

1. Added line studies: horizontal, vertical lines, Fibonacci lines;
2. Added feature of working with email messages, menu В«Service->MailboxВ»;
3. Added feature of managing system events sound alerts, menu В«Service-> SettingsВ», tab В«EventsВ»;
4. Added German interface language;
5. Added feature of deleting the useless login;
6. Added feature of setting up the capacity of history to be stored and displayed, menu В«Service-> SettingsВ», tab В«ServerВ», parameter В«Max. bars in chartВ»;
7. Improved chart positioning at the В«Auto ScrollВ» option being enabled;
8. Added feature of opening chart window from the context menu of the В«OrdersВ» tab;
9. Improved appearance of prices and indicator data in the chart;
10. Modified dialogue used for changing passwords;
11. Fixed displaying of the order close price in В«By requestВ» execution mode.

24 October 2005
New version of MetaTrader 4 build 184

MetaTrader4. Build 184

What's new:
1. Fixed «Common error» of terminal connection;
2. Fonts of charts have fixed size, they don’t depend on font settings of the operational system anymore;
3. Added GetObjectVisibility(), SetObjectVisibility(), SetLevelValue(), SetLevelStyle(), FirstVisibleBar(), BarsPerWindow() functions; parameters MODE_MINLOT, MODE_LOTSTEP in the function of MarketInfo() function;
4. Fixed appearance of comments for pending orders;
5. Added functionality to assign hot keys for indicators, expert advisors and scripts through context menu of the «Navigator» window;
6. Settings of the terminal toolbars were transferred to the file of terminal.ini;
7. Improved work of the Client Terminal in two monitors;
8. Added Turkish and Spanish interface languages;
9. Modified coloring of modeling quality indicator considering initial and end dates of testing;
10. Fixed «Trade context is busy» error during expert advisor trading;
11. Improved work of the terminal through Data Centers;
12. Fixed calculation of margin requirements when testing experts on futures;
13. Improved calculation of cross currencies when testing;
14. Strategy Tester symbol list is updated when relogging;
15. Updated MetaEditor Dictionary.

6 October 2005
Updated Version: MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 183

New Version of MetaTrader4 Client Terminal build 183 compatible with operational system of Windows 98 SE has been released. All terminal users working in Windows 98 SE are recommended to reinstall the terminal manually using the new installation file.

The new build includes the following changes:
1. New version of the Alerts window, sizing being possible;
2. New dialog of the chart list to be called by Alt+W;
3. Periods of 60, 240, 1440 minutes can be specified in В«PublisherВ»;
4. The Properties window will appear when Text or Label objects are created;
5. Added functionality to call New order window by double clicking on the symbol in the В«Popup PricesВ» window;
6. Added ability to use predefined profiles; when switching between accounts, the profile will be loaded the name of which corresponds precisely with the account number;
7. Fixed error consisting in the unnecessary recalling of the expert advisor after initialization;
8. In tester, when generating data, spread is checked whether it equals 0; if yes, the difference between the latest bids and asks will apply;
9. Permitted to download templates from any directory, not only from that of /templates;
10. At testing, if there are indicators in the tester.tpl template, these are these indicators that are output at the chart opening, and indicators used by the expert advisor under test will not be output;
11. In MQL4, added the HideTestIndicators() function with the help of which one can hide indicators completely or selectively when opening testing chart;
12. Modified dialog of changing passwords: the type of the password to be changed is explicitly specified;
13. Fixed error of impossibility to change password if the current account was authorized as an investor's one;
14. Fixed error of В«trade context busyВ»;
15. Fixed error of quotes buffering in DDE;
16. Added new modes in MarketInfo() function; more details can be found in the in-built Help of MetaEditor;
17. Added reading/modifying Fibo levels from expert advisors;
18. In the texts describing Fibo levels, one can specify macro %$ instead of which a corresponding price will be inserted;
19. When testing, a necessary amount of data only will be taken from History Center, not the complete bases anymore;
20. Added Bulgarian and Korean interfaces;
21. Added sorting of Account History;
22. Updated MetaEditor dictionary;
23. Fixed errors of news duplication and reading of empty news messages;
24. Simplified the window of custom indicator settings;
25. Fixed errors of В«ping failedВ» occurring during trading;
26. Fixed error of deinitialization of custom indicator when changing symbol or period;
27. Fixed error of scale latchup;
28. Fixed error of SMTP authorization at some mailing servers;
29. Fixed erroneous rounding of swaps in the В«Symbol propertiesВ» window;
30. Fixed saving the ray property in В«Trend by angleВ» objects;
31. In MQL4, the FileSeek() function returns logical value В«boolВ»;
32. When testing, expert processes files in its own directory /tester/files;
33. Fixed errors according to crash logs.

3 October 2005
Release of MetaTrader 4 Mobile

Release of MetaTrader 4 Mobile Terminal

MetaTrader 4 Mobile has been released today, essential improvements being made to its functionality.

The following has been done in the new version of mobile terminal:
1. Enabled support of indicators. Added 30 new indicators;
2. Enabled support of Trailing Stops;
3. Enabled setting of alerts;
4. Enabled support of terminal working where display has a low resolution;
5. Fixed displaying of crosshairs on charts;
6. Fixed error in the order modification window;
7. Fixed displaying of the В«HistoryВ» tab;
8. Improved the operation of the active order view window;
9. Fixed displaying of the account history orders;
10. Fixed saving of terminal settings;
11. Added parameter В«Chart on foregroundВ»;
12. Fixed errors in the news;
13. Added quick setting of the price for a pending order.

Updates are also available via LiveUpdate system.

6 September 2005
New version MetaTrader 4 Mobile. Build 184

MetaTrader 4 Mobile. Build 184.

1. Enabled advanced authorization mode support.
2. Added Russian interface.
3. Updated working with charts.
4. Updated interaction between mobile terminal and trading server.
5. Updates based on users suggestions.

22 August 2005
New versions of MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 4 Mobile build 181

MetaTrader4. Build 181

What's new:
1. Updated reading Digits parameter from template;
2. Updated Dictionary of MetaEditor IDE;
3. Updating based on crash-logs.

MetaTrader 4 Mobile. Build 181.

New beta-version MetaTrader 4 Mobile with charts is released.

12 August 2005
Updates in client terminal MetaTrader4. Build 180.

MetaTrader4. Build 180.

What's new:
1. Updated a generation process of «Every-tick» mode;
2. At generation the restriction on a maximum amount of bars on the chart is removed. For generation all accessible amount of bars is used;
3. The error with freezing of terminal was fixed;
4. Updated setting parameters of indicators on testing chart;
5. Updated close points trendlines drawing;
6. In MQL4 now all extern variables in custom libries are ignored;
7. At opening a folder with log-files using context menu, contents of log-files are dumped and stored on disk;
8. Updated saving custom adjustments of toolbars;
9. Updated changing of the investor password;
10. Updated Dictionary of MetaEditor IDE;
11. Updated Data Center autoselection by Data Center autoconfiguration;
12. Improved the simultaneously working experts interaction in trade context;
13. In MQL4 added GlobalVariableSetOnCondition() function;
14. In «stderror.mqh» added descriptions of new error types ERR_TRADE_MODIFY_DENIED and ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY;
15. Updated Dictionary of MetaEditor IDE.

26 July 2005
New updates in client terminal MetaTrader4. Build 178.

MetaTrader4. Build 178.

What's new:
1. Added checkbox for enabling optimization parameters;
2. Work of initialization and deinitialization functions is limited by 2.5 seconds;
3. Added the features of inputting the sender and recipient addresses in ’Email’ tab of terminal properties;
4. Optimized parameters are shown ahead of the common parameters list;
5. Added in context menu of strategy tester journals the item ’Clear All Journals’;
6. Improved Dictionary in MetaEditor in Russian language;
7. Corrected errors on crash-logs.

13 July 2005
Updates in client terminal MetaTrader4. Build 177.

MetaTrader4. Build 177.

What's new:
1. Added checkbox for enabling optimization parameters;
2. Work of initialization and deinitialization functions is limited by 2.5 seconds;
3. Added the features of inputting the sender and recipient addresses in ’Email’ tab of terminal properties;
4. Optimized parameters are shown ahead of the common parameters list;
5. Added in context menu of strategy tester journals the item ’Clear All Journals’;
6. Improved Dictionary in MetaEditor in Russian language;
7. Corrected errors on crash-logs.

8 July 2005
New updates in client terminal MetaTrader4. Build 176.

MetaTrader4. Build 176.

What's new:
1. Disabled working with objects by optimization process;
2. Added modelling a zero bar of the another’s period on the tested symbol;
3. During testing at indicator reference to the another’s period and symbol, the delay for pumping the missing data is executed;
4. The line of parameters is split with tab symbols during its copying into clipboard;
5. Updated optimization parameters search;
6. Added the feature of «tester.tpl» pattern usage by opening testing results charts;
7. Changed testing dates format to YYYY.MM.DD;
8. Added the feature to show input parameters in the optimization results tab;
9. Updated sorting by symbol in the list of open positions;
10. Updated experts reinitialization by account changing;
11. Updated TimeToStr() function;
12. Updating based on crash-logs.

MetaTrader 4. Build 175.

What's new in MetaTrader 4. Build 175:
1. Added Strategy Tester. More detailed information in built-in help file of terminal;
2. You can open in offline mode the chart with generated testing data containing bar ticks;
3. Added sorting of orders in «Terminal» window;
4. Unused tabs of the terminal disappear;
5. Added the detailed report of account statement;
6. Added the feature of copying of news header into a clipboard;
7. Added expert reinitialization by changing accounts;
8. Added saving and loading the sets of input parameters of Expert Advisors;
9. Added the feature of automatic publication on FTP after changing account statement;
10. Updated quotations last time viewing in «Market Watch» window;
11. Updated account history refreshing by reconnection between various MetaTrader 4 servers;
12. Enhanced login and password fields of FTP properties;
13. Added viewing of seconds of last quotation time in «Market Watch» window header;
14. Updated ellipses, Fibonacci arcs and Gann tools scaling in indicator separate window;
15. In MQL4 functions added iBarShift(), AccountCompany(), CompanyName(), ClientTerminalName() functions;
16. Implemented additional scale of chart increase;
17. Added viewing of the contract specification (button «Properties») in the symbols list;
18. Updated histograms drawing;
19. Windows adjustments moved from registry to ’terminal.ini’ file;
20. Updated Dictionary of MetaEditor IDE;
21. Updated built-in help file and icons of terminal;
22. Updating based on crash-logs.